Pride in Every Cup: Celebrating Bloody Good Coffee and Diversity at Bean Shot


As the vibrant hues of June’s rainbow flags have all but faded into the now starkly contrasted Pink and Black of Barbie and Oppenheimer, the celebration of June as Pride Month may technically have drawn to a close. But here at Bean Shot the vibrant spirit of inclusion, acceptance, and love that defines Pride is anything but gone. 

Pride Month, a tribute to the ongoing fight for equal rights and recognition of the LGBTQ+ community, is an event we openly embrace. While June may be the month designated to celebrate this movement, we believe in living out these values each and every day of the year, hence this post at the end of July! To us, being an ally to the LGBTQ+ community isn’t just a one-month commitment; it's a fundamental consideration for what we do. 

Our commitment to creating a safe space is as pure as the specialty coffee we serve. We do not merely pay lip service to inclusion but attempt to embody it in as many ways as possible. Our doors are open to everyone, quite literally! And our hearts even more so. The open conversations we nurture, the absence of judgment or prejudice, and the acceptance of all make our coffee shop a haven for anyone seeking safe comfort and connection. 

The Pride flag, a symbol of the diversity, acceptance, and vibrancy of the LGBTQ+ community, proudly adorns our window – not just for June but as a permanent fixture. It's our signal to the passing foot traffic that this is a place where everyone is not only welcomed but valued, seen, and appreciated for their unique selves. The badges we wear, bright with the colours of the rainbow and adorned with the words ‘You are safe here’, are another testament to our unwavering commitment to being an ally to the community. 

There's simple beauty in treating everyone with the same kindness, politeness, and acceptance, regardless of their creed. In our corner of Sherborne, you're not just another customer; you're a part of our diverse family. The positive feedback we frequently receive on our Pride flag window display speaks volumes to us about the acceptance and safety our patrons feel in our little haven. 

While we don’t have specific goals or initiatives related to inclusion and diversity, the overall goal of providing a safe, accepting space is not actually a goal, but a given. 

Our relationships extend beyond the four walls of our coffee shop. We're part of a larger community that includes fellow customers and business owners within the LGBTQ+ community. Our shared belief in the beauty of diversity and acceptance strengthens our connections and our resolve to continue being a beacon of acceptance. 

As we move into the remainder of the year, remember that the end of June does not signify the end of Pride. At Bean Shot, every month is Pride Month, every day is about inclusion, and every moment is an opportunity to celebrate the magnificent diversity that graces our town. 

As the aroma of our specialty coffee welcomes you in, know that it's not just about the drink – it's about the community, about acceptance, and the love that we brew alongside it. In our small, tucked away haven, the rainbow never fades, and Bean Shot will always be your pot of gold at the end of it.